Editor’s note: This article, reprinted from the Gaucho Gazette student newspaper, is part of a four-piece package on the relationship between preservation and industrialization.


In the midst of a modernized Industrial Revolution, with increased mass production of products appealing to a greater range of consumers, and amplified degrees of action taken against the expansion of America’s prosperity provider, numerous aspects of the business industry are repeatedly being examined and updated to continue the progression of the nation’s indestructible industries. The fundamental characteristic as to why business in the modern age has the availability to progress and expand at rapid rates is explained by Economics teacher Mr. Griffin.

“In situations in which several alternatives exist to achieve a business goal; business expansion is inevitable, it’s going to happen,” said Griffin.

Following his explanation, Mr. Griffin provided a prime and present example of where business expansion is “inevitable” through the use of the controversy oil pipeline in North Dakota.

“That oil is moving now, if we don’t build the pipeline, their going to put it onto rail cars; they will ship the oil, there’s too much money involved. So, in this case, business has an alternative, and if it’s not allowed to pursue one it will pursue the other,” said Griffin.

Now, in a society where innovative business models are constantly being introduced, each with numerous paths to bring their business ideas to life, the attempt to hinder development is a dying practice, and one that should not occur in the first place. Since it was first exampled during the “Roaring Twenties”, times of prosperity were proven to root from one thing; business expansion and progression. While environmental affects must be taken into account, industry is what the focus of the American people should be, as businesses themselves will address necessary environmental dangers.

“Business people know, good business is ethical business; that’s what brings your repeat customers, that’s what spreads your reputation, that’s what brings people in,” said Griffin.

However, Mr. Griffin also noted the difficulties large corporations have in focusing their attention to the environment.

“It’s harder to maintain that in the giant corporation, than in the local business, because their detached from so much that goes on…As business gets larger, the tendency to ignore the environment consequences gets greater,” said Griffin.

Whether or not the general population takes up arms against business expansion and attempt to stall production or debate actions, business will continue to strive; it must in order to fuel America and keep us afloat. The flow and continuation of business doesn’t stem from the environment, or an abundance of resources, as Stats teacher Mr. Wiggert explains.

“Business is always going to be in a state of flux, because there’s always this human element, its unpredictable.”

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