by Emily Mello

    In memory of the late Linda Gonzalez, four local schools put together 280 pieces of art work that students created.

    Linda Gonzalez was a renowned artist and teacher. She taught art for 30 years at St. Vincent De Paul High School. Her fondness for art stretched beyond the classroom, as she had did a lot of work in downtown Petaluma. She owned many galleries, one of them including Gallery One here in Petaluma for 20 years. She was very devoted to her community and always helped out any way she could. Many young artists were discovered in her art galleries. She passed away at the age of 72, in December of 2009.

    The art walk, organized by the Petaluma art galleries, was a memorial for Linda Gonzalez. The four local schools that participated were Petaluma High School, Casa Grande High School, St. Vincent De Paul High School, and San Antonia High School. From these schools, students created a grand total of 280 art pieces, 70 pieces from each school. The art walk took place from March 11th through March 17th. The art work was shown at over 22 locations in downtown Petaluma.

    “We are looking forward to this happening next year,” said Ms. Tillinghast, an art teacher here. “It was quite a treat for our artwork to be shown to the public.”

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