
AP Inflation

By Jake Lawson The yearly schedule frenzy begins months before the actual school year starts. Director of Academic Services Oona McKnight works tirelessly to put our schedules together during the summer months, only to be met with dozens of requests to change schedules immediately after they are sent out. Of [...]

By | November 19th, 2015|0 Comments

Students share responsibility

Consider the ratios of a classroom: one teacher to 32 students. That is 32 chattering mouths and 64 ears heedless to the teacher’s instruction. How then, can we expect to learn curriculum, write essays, complete assignments, and...

By | February 24th, 2011|0 Comments

Democracy needs responsible citizens

High school students are told they live in a democracy where everyone’s opinion counts, but then hear that they are still a few years too young to...

By | October 13th, 2010|0 Comments