
Picturing the Cure

By Amy Pino Sophomore Cristian Is­brandtsen has spent the last year taking professional-quality pictures. Alone, this is not unusual. What's unusual is what he does with the money he makes. Cristian donates the profits he earns from photographing events to the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. "[The business] is a non-profit [...]

By | June 2nd, 2014|0 Comments

Lauren Gonzales, 15

Back to Basics Many of my friends ask me why I take film photos. They state: “Lauren, it’s so much easier to just take a photo on your iPhone,” and “Why would you wait so long just to see a picture?!” Film photography is a time honored tradition, one that [...]

By | March 12th, 2014|0 Comments

Focusing on Burma through a lens

There are dozens of them and one of me, and while I wanted to meet them and get to know them, there was the fact that there was no spoken language we shared.

By | January 31st, 2011|1 Comment