
Revolutions Spread Like Wildfire

By Erin Butterfield There is a spreading Revolution in the Middle East and parts of Africa. We have all heard about Egypt, but did you know that there are similar riots and revolutionary acts going on in many surrounding countries? For some background, and for those that don't know exactly [...]

By | February 19th, 2011|0 Comments

Irresponsible Government

Abraham Lincoln once said that this was “a government of the people, by the people, for the people,” however, in recent times, the truth behind this ideal seems to have faded. What began two and a half centuries...

By | January 27th, 2011|1 Comment

Armed Forces

by Colin Deas Costa Rica.  When you hear about this country, you think of beautiful ocean shores, lush free rainforests, and a wonderfully tropical climate.  What you probably don’t think of is neutrality.  This small country became militarily neutral in December 1948 after President José Figueres Ferrer permanently abolished their [...]

By | October 8th, 2010|0 Comments